When Ben and I first got married we used to rotate Christmas and Thanksgiving between our parents. We did that when we had Luke and Taryn. But once we had the twins, life changed. Dragging 4 kids on a 6 hour car trip didn't ever sound appealing to us. Plus, one of the twins was terrible in the car. It was just too much. We started having Christmas eve here and then going to my in laws for Christmas day. Right before I got pregnant with the twins, we had Christmas with my in-laws so it's been 4 years here at home on Christmas eve and morning! I do miss Christmas at my parents sometimes, but I have enjoyed doing our own things, too.
On Christmas Eve, we go to Christmas Mass. We always choose that instead of in the morning. This year Luke decided he wanted to serve at midnight mass. (our parish does it at 10pm) So basically the whole day we were waiting for late mass. Our kids are usually late-nighters anyway, so it wasn't a huge deal. We knew the twins would definitely need a nap or it would get crazy. We ensured naps by Ben taking the twins on a late afternoon car ride.
When they were gone, the two older kids and I cleaned and took care of Jolie. We got a veggie tray ready and made pizza. Our Easter and Christmas eve tradition is pizza and champagne (fizzy juice for the kids). Normally after Easter Vigil my husband and I toast with Champagne so we carried that tradition to Christmas, too.
On Christmas morning we normally have eggs benedict and cinnamon rolls. But I'm not really eating eggs anymore so this year we made bacon and fried potatoes. And we forgot to pick up gluten free cinnamon rolls at our local bakery and theres basically no way i'm making gluten free cinnamon rolls. But that's ok, no one noticed the change LOL.
Then after we open presents and run around with our heads cut off getting ready, we head up to my in laws. They live about an hour away. When we go there we open gifts and then have a nice dinner. This year my Mother in law made halibut, ham and Salmon. They were all REALLY good but my favorite was the Halibut. I'm gonna need to ask for her recipe!
When my kids were opening presents at home, it kind of dawned on me how we just have this short time with them. My son Luke is 9, so in 10-15 years he might be somewhere else for Christmas. I'm not dwelling on that, but more like realizing that these moments with them are so precious. And that I just love having a house full of Children. I often think about how hard it is right now, they are all so little. But I know it won't last. And I will look back on this time with the fondest memories. My kids are truly such a blessing.
My kids totally scored on presents this year (as usual). We try not to go crazy at home because I know they'll get some presents from my parents and my in laws. (we did a fun early christmas with my parents this year, they came up to us) But we still ended up with a house full of stuff. They are all having a blast with everything. Some of the favorite new things are a play doh set from their God parents, hachimal bird from my parents, Ninjago lego set my son has been begging to have for months, Doc mc Stuffins toy... and more that they will dig into today to play with. We are so blessed to have parents who love to spoil our kids.
Ben has been off the whole week and its SO nice. I am resting a little, but I'm also using this time to get some work done for my business which is really fun for me. I hardly ever get uninterrupted time. I will usually wait till baby wakes up and nurses then I will hand her to Ben and lock myself in my office and set a timer for 30 minutes. I have been super productive. And sometimes that feels restful to me, I like getting things done.
We had bacon wrapped dates and lots of coffee this morning for breakfast. And I'm here in my office getting some work done. I am so grateful for this year and this Christmas!