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  • cassiemeadows


My daughter Rory calls it the cobona birus which I think is super cute.

Anyway, I’ve told people before that it’s not a ton different than what our normal is - staying home and doing homeschool. But I do rely on those activities that we do outside of the house to provide me with adult convos. Lol.

We have had super great weather here last week so I weeded around our raspberries. I planted them last year, someone left them at our church for free so I snagged them. Anyway I bought bags of mulch last year for them but never got around to doing it. So they have sat on the side of our house all winter. I have used all by one bag and it’s looks super great!

Then I was rummaging though our garage and found tulips that I bought last fall. They had sprouted in the bag so I decided to plant them to see if they would grow into tulips. Excited to see if it works. Maybe it won’t. But at least I finally got them planted.

i wonder how long until I run out of yard projects 😅😅 I’ll keep you updated

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