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  • cassiemeadows

Easy Homemade Playdoh

When I was a kid, my grandma used to make playdoh on the stove and I always thought that seemed really hard. My friend shared this recipe with me a few years ago and I have been making it ever since.

It’s not very well mixed on this picture since they just started playing with it. It doesn’t take long though :)


2 cups of flour

2 TBSP oil like olive

1/2 cup of salt

2 TBSP Cream Of Tarter

1 1/2 cups of boiling hot water

Food Dye (optional but makes fun playdoh)

Essential oils (optional but there are several benefits such as CALM playing)

Glitter (optional but in our house it isn't optional :) )

Put all of these in a bowl and mix well. After it cools a little add the food color you want. You can divide it up and make several different colors. Then add your glitter! While you are mixing them all together add a drop or two of essential oils. Today we added Lime and Lemon Myrtle to the green and purple (my kids choice) and Joy and lavender to the blue! If the playdoh seems a little sticky, you can always add a bit more flour while you mix in the dyes, glitter and oils. Then we liked the combination of Lime and Lemon Myrtle so much that we put it in the diffuser, too!

The benefits of adding the oils into the playdoh is that they are able to get the calming effects of the smell of the oils while they are playing. Lavender, Joy, Lime and Lemon Myrtle are all very calming oils (and smell amazing). Other oils I like to add to our playdoh are Peace & Calming, Stress Away and Orange! We mix it up and I let the kids choose! If you don't have oils, you can get them here.


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