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  • cassiemeadows

Hot Sauce and Ladders

So a few weeks ago we got a two pack of reds hot sauce at Costco. And when we loaded it into the car Ben accidentally dropped it and it broke by our car and made a huge mess on the ground.

After we got home from our gymnastics/grocery trip, Ben was like hey I have to tell you what Alex did at Costco (he was taking kids to get samples while I went around and got all the food).

He said they were walking down the isle where the hot sauce was and Alex saw the Costco employee loading more hot sauce on to the shelves. He said she screamed “he's not broken those yet HE'S GOING TO DROP THEM. AND THEY WILL BREAK"

Ha ha. Poor Ben. He’s always with them when they do stuff like that, like the time Rory screamed and pointed at the neighbor “FALL!! LADDER!” when they were on the ladder lol. That was funny.

The picture below is when we were finished at New Seasons. Its a blurry picture because I rushed Ben to take it. I asked Luke to hold Alex hand crossing the street. It’s just so sweet. Those girls love their older brother “Lukey”.

Tonight was the last grocery trip of the month and if we don’t spend amy more, I will be under our grocery budget for the month!! Whoooo hoo! I thought that was worth documenting, too.

Another great Friday night in the books!

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