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  • cassiemeadows

Top 10 of 2019

A few days ago, I told my older two kids and husband that we should all write down a list of top 10 things from last year and then we would share them at dinner last night. I wrote 30 things down lol (And then added one while i was typing, and had to restrain myself from adding more LOL). It was so fun to go though them all. I'm pretty sure we all came up with something a little different.

Top 10 things of 2019

1. Memory Master - We do classical conversations. And in the foundations part, we have 24 weeks of facts in science, math, latin, geography, timeline of the world, and english. If you memorize all of those and pass a test with your tutor and director, you are named "Memory Master". Luke, Taryn and I did that last April. It was so fun and awesome. And we are trying to get Memory master again this year, too!

2. Utah convention & park city - Since I do Young Living, I try to go to the convention every summer. We have only made it 2 times in the 5.5 years i've been doing my business. The first was before I got pregnant with Jolie and we all went because I was nursing the twins. And this time we all went because I was still nursing Jolie. Plus, I LOVE taking my kids on trips. Even though I had the conferences and stuff, they still had a super fun time with Ben. This year they said the hotel we stayed in was really fun. (one of their top 10 moments) This year we stayed two days longer than the convention and drove up to Park City, Utah. I had always kinda wanted to see Park City, it looked pretty in all the pictures. The hotel i booked was a condo type room. It was super weird lol. Like it just looked like it was really renovated badly. We went up to the top of the mountains on an ariel tram at the Snowbird ski resort. I remember that Ben, Luke, Taryn and I liked it but the twins and Jolie did not lol.

3. Utah silver retreat & Marriott by mall - This year i qualified for Silver retreat. Which means I got a paid trip to Utah. But we had enough air miles that we could fly us all down, too. So we got to go to Utah twice last year. This time, my hotel was by the big city mall. Which was super convenient for Ben because he could just take the kids to walk around the mall and get food, too. Funny things were that we didn't rent a car, we stayed at two different hotels and getting from one place to another was super awkward. LOL. We actually had to take TWO Ubers to transfer us. So funny. Big family problems. I loved this trip. I got to spend all day learning and being spoiled by Young Living. And fun thing - my childhood best friend qualified, too, and we got to do it all together! We had a day at the YL farm, a day of business training, a couple meals and a going away party. Super fun.

4. Jolies first birthday and the birthday week. Jolie's birthday was so sweet. I made her dress in this super cute ice-cream romper and made her take a pic in this silly backdrop i created. It's always so emotional when your baby turns one. My older two kids have birthdays before and after hers. Luke's is the 23rd, Jolies is the 24th and Taryn's is the 25th (which is also my dad's birthday). So it was quite the week. We had my parents up for most of it, they left on Taryn's birthday because they had to get home for appointments.

my May bday kids with my dad and his twin sister who share a birthday with Taryn

5. Taryns first communion

6. The two day trips to beach - It might be just one day trip. I just can't remember if the other one was last year or the year before. We just packed up one day and took off to enjoy the beach. It was SUCH a nice day (we went in early Sept).

7. Tattoo - I got my first tattoo this year

8. Grotto - I went to the Grotto earlier in the year for a women conference. It was super awesome, my friend spoke at it. Afterwards, Ben and the kids met me back there and we went up to the upper area of the Grotto grounds. You could walk all around and there was statues and art of things like the 7 sorrows of Mary, the Mysteries of the Rosary, the Marian apparitions and tons more. It was really awesome, I had never been there.

8. Getting to know catholic friends - I feel like I finally have a tribe at church. So awesome to have Catholic friends.

9. Getting to know MAJU ladies - there's 7 other ladies from my Facebook due date group with Jolie that talk all the time. We have been chatting almost everyday since last May and it's been a super awesome support system. Now if i could just meet some of them in real life :)

My internet friend, Dove sent me a bunch of fake roaches as a joke! I laugh every time I see one.

10. Seattle - we went to Seattle to help one of the gals on my team do a big oil event. it wasn't in seattle but we stayed in downtown Seattle. Funny story - there was a huge parade the day we came up there. So we could barely get to our hotel. A police yelled at Ben because we were trying to get through. Until they realized we were just trying to get to the hotel. When we pulled our van up to the under ground parking it was too big. LOL. So they let us park in the front of the hotel illegally!

12. Getting into fall more - I decorated for fall this year and it made a huge difference! I didn’t dread it this year lol.

fist day of school - see the pumpkins and mums

13. Building the deck - Ben built is a deck! The kids also helped out a lot by painting waterproofing on the wood and other random stuff. It was actually pretty fun.

14. Anniversary at hopworks - we went to hopworks for our anniversary and took the kids. It’s a brewery we got our wedding beer at. It was super fun and I drank the beer sampler ✌🏼

15. The popcorn movie afternoons - earlier in the year we would make popcorn and watch a movie when Jolie took her afternoon nap. It was really fun. A good way to spend a rainy afternoon, too. (Or a hot one, inside with AC)

16. Snow day sa last feb -we got some rare snow last Feb and it was fun to play in.

17. Grammy and Grandpas visit - my grandparents came to visit in their motor home last summer. The kids really enjoyed having them. They were also intrigued by the motor home, too! Although, it was a little weird when my 80 year old grandparents left our house to go sleep in their RV on the street. LOL. But they said they liked it!

18. My parents visit when they came on new season/ gymnastics trips - my parents come up pretty often but it was really fun the times they came up and did our Friday night crazy trip with us. We would go to gymnastics then to dinner at New Seasons. It was really fun when they came along

19. Donut shop trip when we saw coyote - we drove to this awesome gluten-free/ dairy free donut shop that’s about 45 min away from our house and the kids and I saw a coyote in one of the farm fields. It was really close to our car and really an awesome site.

20. Gymnastics - I have been living watching my kids improve their gymnastics skills. Luke goes 2x a week for his classes. He’s on “pre-team” this year. And his coach even said he wished he could put him on the team now but there’s no spots left. Taryn is improving so much too!

21. New pumpkin patch - our old pumpkin patch shut down so this was the first year in 8 years that we went to a different one. We had a really fun time and I think the one we went to will be our new tradition!

22. My vendor things - I did 3 Christmas vendor events this year with my oils. They went super well, better than expected! And it was fun to get away for the day!

23. Christmas - Christmas this year was really fun. It seriously gets better every year with the kids ❤️ We had a good time Christmas eve at home doing our traditional pizza and champagne after Vigil mass. Then on Christmas day we went over to Ben's parents house! Which is fun to do again - they moved this year so we didn't have as many family gatherings. But we did Thanksgiving and Christmas at their new house and both were really fun!

24. Twins excitement over church class - the twins started Catechesis of the Good Shepard our church this year. A Montessori program. It is awesome and they are obsessed with their “church class”. It’s fun to see them so excited!

25. Big als - my in laws gave the kids “fun money” so we loaded it up on a big als card and played at the arcade! I won some ski ball jackpot and got tons of tickets. Which bough Jolie a basketball, the twins a princess crown and the older kids got some ball shooter thing. The twins favorite game was the candy claw machine lol.

26. Bowling - just last Friday we went bowling and it was so much fun. Something we will have to do more of this year!

27. My birthday party - I threw myself a 36th birthday party this year! I invited a bunch of people and it was super fun! I’ll have to do it again!

i actually didn't take any pics at my birthday party!! but i did make myself this cake to bring to our homeschool community day on my actual birthday LOL

28. Tunes on Tuesday - I signed up to be a vendor at Tunes on Tuesday which is an 8 week long concert series in our town. But I forgot that I also had gymnastics lol. So every Tuesday I would take the kids to gymnastics and Ben would leave work and set up our booth and work there until we got there. He did an amazing job. And we were pretty successful. But we were both glad when it was over lol.

29. Ditched the homeschool thing and went to beach for the night. This was super fun lol. We just packed up and went to the beach for the night. It was a great get away.

30. Bubble Machine Parties

31. We started (and never kept it going) a Toy unboxing Youtube channel. The kids and I had a blast. We never kept it up, too many little hands got in the way. But it was fun while it lasted!

What a great year. Can’t wait for 2020!

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