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I want that kit!

I'm going to make it simple.  The Starter Kit is the way to go.  Don't be like me, ordering tons of different oils with out your own account.  It's just so much easier to get your own account, your own 12 starter oils AND a diffuser!!

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Quick 101 on The Kit

Quick 101 on The Kit

The Premium Starter Kit comes with 12 oils.  They are are the most popular oils Young Living has.  And they are my favorites!  You also get your choice of diffuser, a Thieves Household Cleaner, 2 packets of Ningxia Red and a Thieves hand purifier!  I love these oils and we use them daily!  

The Oils

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Peace & Calming

✨put in the diffuser when your kids are wild and crazy

✨wear on your wrists and neck to promote feelings of peace

✨use in the diffuser before bedtime for restful sleep

✨mix in coconut oil with Lavender and Valor for "sleepy cream". use on feet before bed

✨rub on chest for respiratory calming



✨use on spine after chiropractic appointment to encourage alignment

✨wear on wrists to promote feelings of confidence

✨mix with coconut oil with Peace & Calming and Lavender for "sleepy cream"

✨make a roller for kids to use when they have to do hard things

✨great in the diffuser before bed


Lemon and Lemon Vitality

✨if you put a few drops in a white cake recipe or frosting - it’s AMAZING

✨good in your water to promote natural detox

✨Wonderful to diffuse to keep the air clean and pure
✨REALLY GOOD at getting that sticky gummy residue from stickers off stuff. It’s great for cleaning.



✨my FAVORITE for sleep, I diffuse it or rub it directly on my feet

✨great for kids- put on boo boos, diffuse to wind down at nap and bedtime, rub down spine for wellness

✨oh and when you touch your hot cast iron pan with your bare hand(this happens to me a lot lol)


Thieves and Thieves Vitality

✨AMAZING at immune system support - we run this in our diffuser each day to clean the air

✨make a roller with thieves to rub on your kids feet and spine before school to boost wellness

✨soothes throat by adding a drop with honey in hot tea


Peppermint and Peppermint Vitality

✨make a roller and rub on your belly or add a drop in your water for good digestion

✨I keep a small spray bottle in my purse with water and peppermint for a good breath spray
✨awesome in a roller when your head is pounding 



✨helps stress- diffuse it, put a drop on your thumb and push it to the roof of your mouth, or rub it down your spine

✨great diffused when praying

✨add a drop or two in your moisturizer 

✨use in a roller on feet and spines of young kids. It’s super gentle!


Digize and Digize Vitality

✨ great for your tummy, use a roller to rub on your tummy

✨put a drop under your tongue to help ease your stomach 


Stress Away

✨drop on wrists or back of the neck for stress 

✨make a roller for you and kids for stressful times like grocery shopping, dentist appointments, fussy hour or before nap time

✨great for diffusing before bed 

✨Amazing for bath salts- add 5 drops in 1 cup of Epsom salts

✨I like to rub on my shoulders when tense

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✨super awesome respiratory support

great on your chest right before you work out

it just smells really great, so it’s a really good diffusing one

✨drop in the bottom of the shower to open up airways



✨rub this on sore muscles after work out or on your back after carrying a 20lb baby all day. Add peppermint and copiaba to pump it up!

✨Use in Epsom salts- 1 cup and 3-5 drops of Epsom Salt

✨ I like to make a little rub out of coconut oil and have my husband rub it on the knots in my shoulder


Citrus Fresh and Citrus Fresh Vitality 

✨diffuse on gloomy winter days to help cheer up your mood. 

✨Add to a cotton ball and put in vents of car to help freshen stale air. 

✨Put a drop or two in sparkling water or white wine (my fav) for a refreshing taste

✨diffuse to make the room smell better and dispel bad smells 

✨add to wool dryer balls to freshen your clothes 

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Not only do you get the 12 oils but you also get some really awesome freebies.

✨Thieves Household Cleaner Sample: an AMAZING all natural plant based cleaner.  Safe for pets and kids. Infused with Theives essential oil.

✨2 Ningxia Red Packets: Young Living's antioxidant drink.  It's the highest antioxidant drink on the market and great to have each day for overall wellness.

✨Thieves Hand Purifier: take this on the go to clean your hands. great for after diaper changes in the car :D

✨2 Roller Filaments to pop on the top of your essential oil bottles!

freebies cleaner, ningxia, purifier, rol

Plus your choice of diffuser!

Dew Drop Diffuser

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Desert Mist Diffuser

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Rainstone Diffuser


Aria Diffuser


It is one of the best purchases I've ever made!


 Click Here to get all this awesomeness in your home.

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